💰Survey Bounties

Once a survey is posted and the survey root hash created from the Describer Event, Survey Options, Oracle Address, Oracle Event Date, and Voting Timeout, a Bounty Sponsor can attach a bounty to the survey. This allows Bounty Sponsors to effectively buy crowd sourced insights by providing an incentive for Survey Responders to participate in specific surveys.

A Bounty Sponsor deposits token into the on-chain bounty contract. More than one bounty can be attached to the same survey root hash. Survey Responders who selected the Survey Option which is found to be true by the Oracle after the Oracle Event Date will receive a bounty payout to the public address serving as their PORPOISE ID.

Bounty Sponsors can specify a response limit, which will specific how many correct Survey Responses will receive a payout. Bounties payouts are prioritized in the order of received survey responses.

Survey Responders can search the bounties tied to a specific Survey and see total bounty available, as well as the remaining responses before the response limit is met.

Last updated